
Onto something new...

4th Feb 2023 When I was at the summit of Chandrashila someone told me that our trek photographer had broke down crying cause this was the first time in two years of trekking here he was able to ge...

Elixir processes for concurrency and coolness

I know this might not be a “politically correct” thing to say but i really enjoy writing code without thinking about the performance, I just want to focus on the fun part and if something is slow I...

so, about the Fold function

What the fold Functional programming fanbois love to explain the concepts like func composition and partial application using higher order funcs like map filter and reduce, these make writing fun...

Pycon 2022 and the other nice things that came with it

Conferences are back BABYYYYY !!! Hanging out with the Python community and traveling to a new city ! Hell yeah 🤘 My talk on Building a Database with Python got accepted for PyconUS 2022 and I wa...

Currying: for multi argument functions & your taste buds

When I learnt about there being a language concept called Currying Well I just had to go learn more about it. The Indian in me would not and could not look the other way. Named after Haskell Curry...


I am writing this to you from the my chambers. The storm that we are in the middle of is one of the biggest I have seen and I doubt we will make it to the Island tonight. The waves rise so high a...

A MinMax problem without terms and conditions

Found a really interesting problem on Codewars today ! Gonna discuss the solution You got two numbers and you have to find either the Min or the Max of that number depending on the symbol < or ...

Yoo! Sonic Pi slaps

I found Sonic Pi on Hackernews and by just seeing the words music and code in the same sentence I was sold. The project is dubbed as a new kind musical instrument Instead of strumming strings...

Rambling #42069

I am Sangarshanan and it’s August 28, 2021 Time flows and I continue to evolve. The past couple of months was filled with New people, New places and New experiences courtesy of the Himalayas. I ...

Concurrency in Go

Go was the language of choice for all the exercises in MIT 6.824 and because of that it introduced how Go handles some of the concurrency constructs pretty nicely, gonna explore that here ✨ Go a...