
Advent of Code because I hate sleeping

Ok so i realised that even though i like building random shit as “side projects” and making recreational “art” with code i have never really liked solving puzzles cause it reminded me of college, t...

Everything bagel on shader park

I discovered shaderpark and thought it was seriously neat! In the past i have tried exploring shader programming for random projects cause i was anyway exploring livecoding music and they kinda go ...

Uh EuroPython board member ?! like whaat?

2020 was weird, i woke up one day and thought about choosing voilence but then decided i just need new friends so i applied to be a volunteer for EuroPython 2020, I was anyway speaking at the confe...

Programming musical constructs with Sonic Pi

Recently I have been exploring music quite a lot, partly because working at has given me a bunch of creative musically inclined colleagues to nerd out with!!! 🥳 Sonic-Pi has been my mai...

On collaborative editing algorithms

Recently i came across Upwelling is an exploration of what a text editor might look like if it had both Google-Docs-style real-time collaboration and somethi...

The RUM conjecture

Design Tradeoffs of Data Access Methods Paper:,time%2C%20fo...

Onto something new...

4th Feb 2023 When I was at the summit of Chandrashila someone told me that our trek photographer had broke down crying cause this was the first time in two years of trekking here he was able to ge...

Elixir processes for concurrency and coolness

I know this might not be a “politically correct” thing to say but i really enjoy writing code without thinking about the performance, I just want to focus on the fun part and if something is slow I...

so, about the Fold function

What the fold Functional programming fanbois love to explain the concepts like func composition and partial application using higher order funcs like map filter and reduce, these make writing fun...

Pycon 2022 and the other nice things that came with it

Conferences are back BABYYYYY !!! Hanging out with the Python community and traveling to a new city ! Hell yeah 🤘 My talk on Building a Database with Python got accepted for PyconUS 2022 and I wa...