T-2 Day at RC: Get Shit Done

Posted by StuffonmyMind on February 18, 2021

Work Work and more Work but the fun kind

  • Worked on my Query parser to get it to a Demo”able” state for the presentations tomorrow
  • Meet & Greets i.e The Good ‘ol Zoom chat Roulette. Met a couple of new people

Attended the Type Theory Study Group. I know jackshit about Type theory but I do wanna learn functional programming and those concepts are somehow intertwined so I just took notes hoping the future type theory understanding me can decipher it

Zoom Forever and Ever …

  • The Ever amusing coffee klatsch with Meta zoom backgrounds
  • Also talked with Shivam, he mentioned Formal methods, static analysis and also drew
    parallels between static & dynamic systems in CS and Physics
  • Had a Coffee chat with Robert where we talked about the projects we are working on and how lazy the western Mosquitoes are
  • Did an Early Morning half asleep race against time to Push out the RC map. Will work on making it more presentable tomorrow

Also attended the feeling checkin cause it was almost the end of my batch and I was kinda sad that I did not finish my project and just as was getting comfortable it feels like it’s all gonna be over but got a lot of support and also comfort hearing similar stories from other Recursers on the call.