So I once again heard American Boy by Estelle ft Kanye West in some stupid Tiktok and got hooked to the beats once more but this time being an adult and all I carefully analyzed the lyrics and found something very interesting
In Chorus 1 Estelle Sings
Take me on a trip, I'd like to go some day
Take me to New York, I'd love to see LA
Do you see it ?
LA is nowhere near New York !! They are apart by 3000 miles in American 🤢 or 4800 kilometers in Human
So why did Estelle Say Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA
It would have sense if she said
Take me to New York, I’d love to see <The Empire State/ Literally anything in NY >
I would have even understood if she said
Take me to New York, I’d love to not be able to afford an apartment
But why did Estelle Say LA ?
Why does she want Kanye to take her to New York even though she really wants to see LA ?
Is this a meta commentary on our sociopolitical situation ?
Is this a subtle metaphor for Cognitive dissonance ?
Is she trolling us ?
What is the point ?
oh nevermind y’all I figured it out, She did it because it rhymes with the rest of the chorus 😩
So she Rhymes Day with LA
Take me on a trip, I'd like to go some day
Take me to New York, I'd love to see LA
That is not a very good Rhyme now is it ?
Well even then it would have made sense to go with Bay cause it rhymes better with Day and NYC is literally a bay so maybe along these lines and there is an Upper Bay
Take me to New York, I'd love to see Upper Bay
It is owned by Private Equity Firms
They are a bunch of filthy worms