
Controlling Ableton Live with Python

Okay, so if you’ve ever seen me rocking a T-shirt, there’s like a 90% chance I snagged it at a Pycon. So yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with using Python for everything lol. I’ve been messing around with...

Deluloop: A generative looper for Music Hack day'25

My first talk of 2025 was at ADCx India. I gave a small workshop on the Music Hack day about using Ableton with Python to send MIDI signals through an IAC bus channel. I was able to send generative...

Doing DJ things with Sonic Pi & MIDI controller

I was chilling in my bed on a rainy Sunday evening in Chennai when I got a message from Shiv Hari that got me giggling and kicking my feet in the air I heard you set during a live stream of an ...

Making Audio Reactive Visuals with FFT

Ever since I started coding music I have been exploring tools to help visualize it! So right now for all the visuals in my live coding content, I primarily depend on hydra! It’s a live code-able vi...

Stupid shared mutable states & Distributed Locks

Functional programming is an acquired taste, the paradigm shift felt too jarring! tf you mean i need to use recursion to iterate thro a list? Once i stuck thro it and started to approach problems l...

Humanities for Engineers

“Can you talk to them?” My mom told me on my first day of Uni “Figure out where the Hostel blocks are” I hated that question! not the one about the Hostel blocks, I walked around for 20 minutes loo...

Programming synthesizers with Python

I think we can all agree Synthesizers are awesome and with that thinking comes the intense urge to build it from scratch as it slowly consumes all aspects of my social life. Unlike normal instrume...

Performing at an algorave!

Algorave is happening in home turf again and this time i am gonna head out to perform! For the first time as roguentropy :) I am obviously nervous but so happy & grateful cause after consist...

Controlling audio effects on Sonic Pi with OSC

Tweaking and changing parameters during Livecoding performance can always be made more intuitive by having ways to change those parameters externally without having to write and edit code everytime...

The Elevator Problem

Like the start of every problem let us assume two totally absurd things You want to build elevators that can talk through a central server?! There are weighing machines inside the elevators?...